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Graphic Comics

All your Marvel dreams come true.
By Rachael Short
May 14, 2015
By Rachael Short
May 14, 2015

The team behind Graphic comics deserve a round of applause - for they manage to satisfy the needs of many genres and sub-genres of comics in one long, narrow shop. Whether it is classic Tintin, the latest marvel comics or Japanese manga you’re wanting, there is something for everybody. Graphic Comics is New Zealand’s oldest comic shop, first opening in 1984 under a different name, and carries the largest selection of graphic novels in the country - alongside action figures, the latest comic titles, and rare collectors books.

They also thrive one a challenge and love nothing more than to hunt down hard to find titles from around the world. They’ve recently branched out into the digital world, and ship all over New Zealand, so if you can’t make it to the Cuba Street premises, they’ll get those comics out to ya.

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