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Paper Pals Aotearoa

Wellington's CBD has just gotten got a heck of a lot cuter.
By Sarah Templeton
February 22, 2022
By Sarah Templeton
February 22, 2022

Paper Pals Aotearoa is the new exhibition by local artist Ben Pearce, who was awarded $50,000 as the winner of the inaugural Collin Post 'Four Plinths Project' award. Mounted on Te Papa's famous plinths outside the main entrance, the exhibition is the eighth in the series which has now been running for 15 years. Each work remains on site for a maximum of two years.

Pearce's work sees four giant origami-inspired sculptures — an adorable panda, a pink baboon, pūkeko, a very brightly coloured pukeko, and a green creature we think might be a dinosaur — atop each of the plinths.

The statues have reportedly already been a huge hit with the public and you're bound to see many a selfie or solo shot pop up on your Instagram feed soon, so head along to check them out if you need a little pick-me-up. And don't worry about getting up close and personal for a shoot — Pearce says he's more than aware his artworks are going to draw crowds.

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